Not really, but I'm leaving Madrid tomorrow to head back to Paris! (and hopefully more scheduled blogposts!)
I'm sad to leave Madrid because it really is such a beautiful city! Not too mention the family I am staying with is lovely! But I'm excited to head back to Paris and an almost-normal "routine!"
Speaking of routines, its time for Morgie to "reel it on in!" Back home-home (as in Philly) I was an early riser, as in 6 or 7 am. Even if I wanted to sleep-in, my own little mental alarm clock would go off, telling me to get my arse out of bed. I ran just about every morning. Outside. Even in the snow and rain and freezing temps. If I were a Spice Girl I'd be Sport Spice (even though Posh was my fave!) I would go to class come home, do some homework, shoot the bull with my sis/roommate/BFF, make us some yummy/healthy dinner, watch the office/greys/etc, then hit the sack.
Needless to say, in Paris, my life is completely upside down. I cannot physically get out of bed until 10, 9 at the earliest (but I look like a puffy-faced witch) and going for a run? pfft, only if its sunny and I don't have a million other things to do. I used to never, ever miss a workout. EVER. When I came to Paris, I knew I would have to ease up on my workout regime, and at first I went a little crazy, not being able to work out everyday (not to mention the huge quantities of food I was now eating every day) Then another classmate of mine (who was going through something similar) told me to just relax and worry about working out when I was back in the states. I was only going to be "living" in Paris once, so I might as well enjoy it to the fullest why I can.
Well enjoy it I have. My mind and body has been on vacation-mode for far too long. But now I have a semester left to go (four and a half months) and I've already gained quite a bit of weight. The first five pounds I didn't mind a bit (i finally have an ass! Wooo!) but now as more and more pounds (i'm not going to give figures here, but believe me its a sad day when I have to put on a pair of my jeans!) keep creeping on, I'm thinking about joining a gym. No way, no how am I giving up French wine and pastries while I'm here (i had to give up the cheese because of an allergy) but somethings gotta give (and it ain't gonna be my clothes!)
Gym memberships are tres expensive, but I think its worth it! I genuinely LOVE a good sweat session and there might be a chance of meeting a cute French boy at the gym, so I'm excited!
Plus, I signed up for the Paris Marathon right after I finished the Dublin one in October, so now is a more than perfect time to ditch my bad habits and get back in shape. So I might be taking this blog from a study abroad blog to a study-abroad-healthy-habits-blog! You dig? I don't know, I might even post my progress on here, but as I dont believe in weighing myself, I don't know how I'll track it? I just go by home my clothes fit, so maybe once I fit comfortably in my jeans again, we can all have a bloggy-party?! =D
Did you ever have a "health crisis" moment? Where you felt like you needed to take your life back into your hands? The past semester, I decided to totally let go of all my control, but now I feel like I sort of need to take some of it back. Not all of it, but at least get back to the "old me" a bit more! I've notice I'm not nearly as confident as I once was and the once "take my picture!"-me is now hiding in the background... not good. I know loosing weight isn't an answer to self-esteem problems (which I don't think I have a problem with) but I know working out helps get my endorphins going and will be a move in the right direction.
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Sorry for the longggg boring post, but its been on my
*** edit: I just realized its Wednesday, definitely not the week-end just yet... whoops! But have a happy hump day then! =)
I put on weight when I first moved here too. Getting the puppy has helped me get back to normal. But that whole, 'French Women Don't Get Fat' thing, I just don't get it! How?!
ReplyDeleteThe way they ate and never work out, it is just a mystery to me! I guess its just our good ol' American genes! =)